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Committees and Chairs

Recognition Committees


Honors and Awards

Emily Hall   


​​Hall of Fame

Scott Anderson


Legacy Scholarship

Stephanie Lennon


​EDAC Scholarship

Ajaya Williams





Practice Settings Committees

Secondary Schools

Keith Miessau
Julie-Ann Burton



Nathan Arambula


​Practice Advancement

Matthew McGraw



Identity Committees


Early Career Professionals Liasion

Savannah Venters

(0-6 years)

​Ethnic Diversity Advisory Committee

Ajaya Williams


Career Advancement Liasion
(7-12 years)

Patrick O’Donnell 


​LGBTQ+ Liasion







Operational Committees


ATs Care

MaryBeth Horodyski



Kelley Henderson

Bernadette Buckley


​Governmental Affairs

John Finley​


​Public Relations

Katy Jo Thompson

Carley Parkison


​Corporate Sponsorships

Joe Kanefsky


Constitution and ByLaws

MaryBeth Horodyski​

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