Hall of Fame Honorees
Hall of Fame Membership
Given in recognition of those who have supported the Athletic Training profession through state activities, worked to establish the profession of Athletic Training, and been involved in the caring of the athletes of Florida. Nominees must be Certified/Licensed Athletic Trainers with 20 years experience and a minimum of 20 years service in the State of Florida. Activities in ATAF, SEATA, and the NATA will be most heavily weighted. Other professional areas of consideration include research, clinics, presentations and lectures, state meetings, publications, and other honors and awards. Members of ATAF can make nominations.
*All HOF nominations must be sent directly to scott.anderson0416@gmail.com

Patricia M. Tripp PhD, LAT, ATC, CSCS
Akima Abrakata, MS, LAT, ATC
Sue Stanley-Green, MS, LAT, ATC
Erik T. Nason, MBA, MS, LAT, ATC, CSCS, BCS-O
Vincent A. Scavo, LAT, ATC
Elaine M. Judy, LAT, ATC
Kristen Couper Schellhase, EdD, LAT, ATC
Steve Walz, MA, LAT, ATC
Glenda Hammons, LAT, ATC
Dan Teahan, LAT, ATC
Bo McDougal, LAT, ATC
Bob Hammons, LAT, ATC
Don Teahan, LAT, ATC
Jerry Stevens, LAT, ATC
Gary Gillis, LAT, ATC
Kevin Mathews, LAT, ATC
Joe Underwood
Stephanie Lennon, ATC, LAT
Marisa Brunett, ATC, LAT,
Christina Booe-Farley, ATC, LAT
Tim Kocher, ATC, LAT
Randy Oravetz, ATC, LAT
Tony Jonaitis, ATC, LAT
Roger Mosure, ATC, LAT
Ray Rodriguez, ATC, LAT
James Terwilleger, ATC, LAT
Larry Starr, MEd, ATC, LAT
Frank Grimaldi, MSEd, ATC, LAT
MaryBeth Horodyski, EdD, ATC, LAT
Tim McLane, MBA, ATC, LAT
Scott Anderson, ATC, LAT
Barry Clements, ATC, LAT
Brady Greathouse
Steve Glickman, ATC, LAT
David Wike, ATC
Jim Mackie, ATC, LAT
Ken Schields, ATC, LAT
Joe Bourdon, ATC, LAT
Joe Dollar, DPM
Don Fauls, ATC
Chris Patrick, ATC

Hall of Fame Legacy Scholarship
The ATAF Hall of Fame Legacy Scholarship was initiated shortly after the untimely death of Steve Glickman, LAT, ATC, PT, LMT in July of 2011. Steve was, and continues to be, the epitome of the athletic training profession. His professional and personal life personified the unselfish caring and service to everyone who could benefit from the education, training, experience and care that he so nobly provided. This scholarship was given the name Legacy to honor ATAF’s Hall of Fame members and to encourage the future generations of athletic trainers who will continue the legacy of so many selfless, dedicated and caring individuals who paved the way for the noble profession they will serve.
The need to support the academic development of future athletic trainers is an enormous task. College costs are forever increasing and scholarship assistance is unable to keep up with the need. The ATAF Hall of Fame members have taken it upon themselves to develop, grow and nurture this much needed program, but cannot meet the goal alone. Please consider donating to this endeavor.