Secondary Schools Athletic Training Committee (SSATC)
The purpose of this committee is to identify and address issues of concern to the athletic trainers in the Secondary School setting and to assist with resources needed to communicate better with the school districts and leadership.
Want to get involved? CLICK HERE

SSAT Student Aide/Sports Medicine Recruitment Tool Box
Youth Sports Safety Alliance Resources
Patient Care Infographics
Protocols; Scope of Practice - Florida Administrative Register
Notice / Adopted Section Description ID Publish Date; Final 64B33-4.001 Protocols; Scope of Practice: 20064952: Effective: 02/26/2018 Change 64B33-4.001
CS/HB 7011 2020 Legislature - Flsenate
ENROLLED CS/HB 7011, Engrossed 1 2020 Legislature CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. hb7011-03-er Page 2 of 6 F L O R I D A H O U S E O F R E P R E S E N T A T I V E S
Enforcement | Florida Department of Health
Influenza. Influenza or 'flu' is a viral respiratory illness, mainly spread by droplets made when people with flu cough, sneeze or talk. Influenza can cause mild to severe illness. Serious outcomes of flu infection are hospitalization or death. Florida is currently experiencing a moderately severe influenza season.
FHSAA Consent and Release from Liability Certificate EL03
FHSAA Post Head Injury/ Concussion Initial Return to Participation AT18
Zachary Martin Act
Environmental Monitoring
High School Athletic Directors and Athletic Trainers: Send your EAP to ssatc@ataf.org for review.
Safe Sports School Award: Recognizes secondary schools that take steps to keep their athletes free from injuries.
SEATA Grant- Safe Sports School
Would you like to nominate a Secondary School Athletic Trainer for their enhancement of athletic training in the secondary school setting in Florida? Visit the awards page on the ATAF website!
Reminder you cannot pour from an empty cup. Taking a break to restore mental and physical health is important.
Visit https://www.florida-backroads-travel.com/ for day trip ideas.
Fitness Ideas- Strength, Yoga, Cardio, Stretching